
Aries Case Study | Marvin Gaye and His Father | Part 1

The is an article about two Aries men - a father and a son - and their relationship.

The son was Marvin Gaye (April 2, 1939 – April 1, 1984) a legendary crooner who will always be remembered for, among many more, the track Sexual Healing. Marvin was murdered by his father. If Astrologers had to come up with an explanation based on their art (or science some would argue) they would point to the position of the planet Mercury in the charts of both men. This made them volatile.


Mercury is always positioned near your natal sun. It cannot be opposite you’re sun – which is a blessing. This impossible configuration would produce a native with a self-destructive thought process. Fortunately most Mercury positions work for the native and to some extent ensures that their personality and minds work together. There is however one positioning its natives should be cautious with.


When planets are within an orb of 5 degrees they are said to be in conjunction. The "conjunct" adjective applies to all planets but for the Sun when it is seen to be close to Mercury. When these planets are close to one another they are said to be ‘combust’. This combustion seems to spark things off. I remember casting Marvin Gaye and his father’s natal horoscopes and discovering that both natives had Sun Mercury combust in Aries. This exercise was carried out in the aftermath of the murder of Marvin Gaye by his father.


These people burn themselves out but are often in possession of creative genius inspired by an understanding of self. I’d argue Sexual Healing offers some proof of this. Apparently Marvin was subject to bouts of withdrawal in his life – this could perhaps have been recovery intervals following burn out and a creative spell. I remember a story of him spending £3000 on an outfit in which to meet Princess Margaret of England (it must have been in the 1980s) but sleeping through his alarm and never waking until he’d missed his chance. That man dressed so well, I’d argue that shopping for this wardrobe was another creative flurry from which he had to recover. Staying in bed and not managing to meet Margaret – apparently one of his dearest wishes – must add to this argument.

Continued see Part 2 CLICK HERE

1 comment:

  1. This is REALLY interesting and totally unexpected for a astrology site. Normally it is just the same old crap. I'm going to enjoy looking round this site. Thank you very much indeed.


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